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What Is Preppy Style?

by 顺之 聂 13 Dec 2023

"Luxury is a matter of money, elegance is a matter of education". This phrase belongs to the famous French fashion designer, founder of his own haute couture house Emmanuel Ungaro, and it perfectly reflects the philosophy of preppy style. If you enjoy watching American TV series such as the famous Gossip Girl, you are probably familiar with preppy fashion.

Originally associated with school uniforms, the preppy style of dressing is now at the height of its popularity. Preppy aesthetic in clothing is rightly considered a style of success, a fashion trend of the young generation of high society. Many people think that the style of preppy (preppy) - from the words "teacher", and "prepod". And therefore associated with schools and other educational institutions. This reference is to school uniforms and educational clothing in general. Hence the jackets with patches and knitted vests. A typical uniform of a lecturer at a chalk-stained blackboard. The patches are to prevent elbows from rubbing from sitting at the table checking notebooks.

Actually, "preppy" is from the word "preparatory." Prep schools were prep schools for wealthy American majors. After studying there, wealthy offspring entered the Ivy League with all the consequences that followed. To distinguish each other from the crowd of peers, students of private schools have developed their own style of dress.

It arouses genuine interest not only among the student youth, clearly catching the fashion trends. Representatives of older generations also find a lot of charm in it. For many years, the classic preppy style never ceases to inspire designers. We tell you how to wear one of the key trends of this season if school time is far behind you.
"\n \n \n Sharp blue\n \n \n Sharp blue\n \n "
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"\n \n \n White Combo Jacquard\n \n \n White Combo Jacquard\n \n "

Where Did the Preppy Style Come From?

The name of the preppy style comes from the name of American private schools, preparatory schools, preparing for admission to prestigious Ivy League universities, or, more generally, to the old universities of the northeast coast in the US.

The history of this subculture begins earlier than imagined. In 1635, the first public educational institution in the United States was founded in Boston. Based on an educational institution of the same name located in British Lincolnshire, the school targeted the descendants of Boston's elite. Day after day, the scions of wealthy families studied the basic disciplines.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the number of elite educational institutions in the United States increased tenfold; the most famous of them were seven universities located in the Northeast of the country: Brown, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, Pennsylvania, and Princeton Universities, as well as Dartmouth College - all of them united in the so-called Ivy League.

One of the symbols that distinguished Ivy League students from the rest was their uniforms: classic blazers with the institution's logo on the chest and sports jerseys with the same logo or with a patch in the form of the first letter of the university's name. American clothing brands J.Press and Brooks Brothers were the first to appreciate the incredible commercial potential of uniforms, opening stores right on the campuses of Yale, Princeton, and Harvard Universities.

The marketers' predictions proved correct, and the clothes of both brands immediately became very popular, first among the students of the three universities, and then the preppy style, which is a mixture of timeless classics and modern bright details, spread to the entire Ivy League, receiving the appropriate name - Ivy style. But a little more time passed, and new trends in the fashion of students of elite universities, and the entire student subculture as a whole began to be designated by another, more capacious term: preppy.

By the 1930s, preppy style had spread to women's closets. When in 1934 the first Levi's jeans for women were sewn and sold, they instantly penetrated the preppy closet and stayed there forever.

By the '40s, the style was already very popular. Back then, it was more commonly referred to as Ivy Style. Stores with clothes were located on the campuses of those very universities - Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. The key elements of the style were shirts with buttons on the collar, sweaters and loafers/moccasins, and for girls - twinsets, that is, sweaters with cardigans and tweed skirts.

In the 50's this preppy style clothing was already everywhere. And it had already changed - plaid became extremely popular, girls began to wear jackets, and elements of sportswear were increasingly worn outside the sports fields. Yes, those preppy polo shirts. And then there are rugby shirts, rugby shirts - knit shirts with wide cross stripes and a collar. We don't recognize them as rugby shirts, of course, but that doesn't stop us from wearing them.

Preppy style closet is fully in line with the philosophy of the subculture as a whole: based on the traditions of British dandy style, it is nevertheless, as much as possible, adapted to the active pastime peculiar to the young man.

One of the main rules was the high quality of clothes - unspoken laws prescribed to wear only products made of premium fabrics - high-quality cotton, wool, and cashmere. At the center of any preppy closet was the aforementioned fitted blazer with or without the university logo; in warm seasons it could be cotton, in cold seasons - of fine wool or tweed. Student blazers differed from the canonical strict jackets by bright details, for example, tartan-checked linings, loops sewn with contrasting threads, and slightly less often - gold buttons and elegant breastplates in the pockets.
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"\n \n \n Light beige and black stripe\n \n \n Light beige and black stripe\n \n "
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"\n \n \n White\n \n \n White\n \n "

The Elements of Preppy Style

This style has long gone beyond school and perfectly fits into the daily life of not only young people but also people of any age and social status. In short, preppy is about intelligence, status, seriousness, and good taste. In addition, among the key trends of the year, you can rarely find a certain style in "pure form" - its elements are usually used in combinations with other styles.

Therefore, to compose an image in this direction, it is not necessary to buy new things - many outfits are probably in your closet.

The main things on which the preppy styles are built:
polo (shirt, t-shirt, top)
sweater, vest with a V-neck, often decorated on the collar with stripes or has a plaid print
loafers, topsiders
pleated skirts
chinos and slacks
blazers (club jackets with uniform buttons)

Restrained expensive colors, mostly natural: shades of white, beige, khaki, dark blue, chocolate, bottle green, burgundy, wine and black;
not a lot of prints, just plaid, rhombuses, stripes, and college emblems;
the cut also plays a big role, it should be loose, not tight, but not too voluminous;
it is better to choose natural fabrics: cotton, wool, cashmere, silk, leather;
shoes are always without heels, there is no place for stilettos, take oxfords, derbies, or loafers.

Preppy style in women's clothing is impossible without additional details. The accent is a tie or a spectacular neckerchief.

The most colorful are associated with scarves. A scarf, a little carelessly wrapped around the neck. A scarf hanging across the chest. A sweater thrown over the shoulders and knotted at the sleeves, replacing the scarf.

Bags are allowed as ordinary ladies' bags and even clutches on a chain. The main thing is that this accessory harmonizes with the outfit and does not look theatrical. Still, preference is given to leather briefcases and backpacks, which are more in line with the "educational" theme.

Classic head-wear of students of elite schools of the mid-20th century is still relevant today:
kepis and berets;
hats with thin brim;
sports baseball caps.
Ribbons, hairpins, and headbands are also often used.

These are the key elements we will be using. The preppy style is very similar to casual and easy to combine with it, which means it can easily fit any closet. Try to incorporate preppy into your closet - there is no doubt that it will easily fit into your everyday life.

Preppy Look for Women

The preppy style is a magical style that makes young girls seem more mature and mature women younger.

Today this style is for all ages: it will not sit you down at the school desk but will emphasize elegance, status, intelligence, and good taste. In our selection, you will find models that will suit every type of figure: these models are quite versatile, they are easy to style. You'll be surprised how quickly your outfit will become similar to the images of fashion bloggers from social networks!

Jackets and blazers
Preppy style jackets have a couple of distinctive features to consider when shopping. The most important one is the patch in the form of the crest/emblem of the university or fraternity on the chest. This element reminds us of the uniforms from American private schools. Sometimes a dark-colored single-breasted jacket is complemented by voluminous gold buttons on the sleeves - the kind worn by Upper East Side fashionistas in new seasons of "Gossip Girl," and you can try it!

After all, the loose-fitting model looks good not only on cover girls but also on any type of figure. We advise combining the jacket with straight pants, dark monochrome jeans, or mini-skirts in the tone of the blazer - mix, do not shake.

With a knitted vest
A knitted vest is not only a must-have of the season but also a hallmark of preppy style. Wearing it is very simple: choose a white or blue shirt, and add pants or a long skirt to it. And when the vest is no longer at the top of the trend list, it will simply become a great basic item.

Polo shirts are the signiture of preppy style fashion. For tennis, golf, or maybe a simple walk, a polo shirt will be perfect! From the section of things for sports, it has long passed into everyday life. The most important thing is that this style goes to all girls without exception. The only thing you need to think about is the size. Someone will be more suitable for a free model, and the rest will choose a fitted one. Both will be right!

Pleated skirt
Plissé skirt, usually in plaid or muted gray color - the thing without which it is difficult to imagine the closet of the "private school student".

Of course, you don't have to take such risks, but you should try on a pleated skirt. When the weather permits, wear it with high socks, and on cold days - with tights. By the way, you can experiment with tights decorated with a monogram.

White shirt
We've lost count of how many times we've talked about the versatility of the white shirt, but the fact remains. Especially when it comes to the image of a "diligent student" of the preppy style. Choosing a shirt should be based on your preferences, but the most suitable option is an oversized model, which will help more than once. Important: Many things that are traditionally preppy can be incorporated into almost any style.

The right footwear is an important element of the preppy aesthetic. There are several options here, but our absolute favorite is loafers. A pair from the basic closet that will go well with a preppy outfit - of course, ideally with high socks. Tip: An alternative to loafers is the derby. These are such shoes with open lacing. A masculine pair will play on the contrast with feminine things.
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