19 Aug 2023
低調的奢華是精緻的真正本質。 「Old Money Style」恰如其分地詮釋了低調的奢華感,近來已成為一種新的時尚潮流。什麼是「老錢風格」?顧名思義,就是老錢的風格。 「老錢」是指那些富有的社會階層,包括能夠世代維持財富的個人、家庭或血統。她們的穿搭都是有內涵、有氣質的高端典範。透過優質的布料和精細的剪裁,內斂簡約的設計風格很好地展現了他們的品味。他們的精緻感不會讓人感到驚訝,但卻能在腦海中留下深刻的印象。
概括舊款的穿衣風格,主要有三個面向:簡約大氣的設計、沉穩的色彩搭配、舒適有質感的布料。 GOELIA致力於為女性提供更優質、更舒適的衣服,因此在美感上有許多不同的表現。快來看看G友們如何演繹風格吧。
概括舊款的穿衣風格,主要有三個面向:簡約大氣的設計、沉穩的色彩搭配、舒適有質感的布料。 GOELIA致力於為女性提供更優質、更舒適的衣服,因此在美感上有許多不同的表現。快來看看G友們如何演繹風格吧。
條紋 是老錢風格的顯著特徵之一。它們是基本元素,但穿起來卻能營造出高級感。尤其是針織條紋圖案,很有設計感,體現了一種真誠、自由的生活態度。
條紋 是老錢風格的顯著特徵之一。它們是基本元素,但穿起來卻能營造出高級感。尤其是針織條紋圖案,很有設計感,體現了一種真誠、自由的生活態度。
Black and white stripe
Camel Stripe Combo
Red and white stripe
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n "
Black and white stripe
Camel Stripe Combo
Red and white stripe
- + 1
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n "
Black and white stripe
Camel Stripe Combo
Red and white stripe
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n "
Black and white stripe
Camel Stripe Combo
Red and white stripe
- + 1
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n "
Black and white stripe
Camel Stripe Combo
Red and white stripe
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n "
Black and white stripe
Camel Stripe Combo
Red and white stripe
- + 1
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n "
Black and white stripe
Camel Stripe Combo
Red and white stripe
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n "
Black and white stripe
Camel Stripe Combo
Red and white stripe
- + 1
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n \n Black and white stripe\n \n \n Camel Stripe Combo\n \n \n Red and white stripe\n \n "
Blue and white stripe
Green and White Stripe
Off white
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n "
Blue and white stripe
Green and White StripeOff white
- + 2
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n "
Blue and white stripe
Green and White Stripe
Off white
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n "
Blue and white stripe
Green and White StripeOff white
- + 2
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n "
Blue and white stripe
Green and White Stripe
Off white
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n "
Blue and white stripe
Green and White StripeOff white
- + 2
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n "
Blue and white stripe
Green and White Stripe
Off white
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n "
Blue and white stripe
Green and White StripeOff white
- + 2
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n \n Blue and white stripe\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Green and White Stripe\n \n \n Off white\n \n "
這款迷你連身裙通常透過其色彩組合展示經典的「Oldmoney 風格」。它採用醋酸纖維製成,是一種天然環保面料,非常涼爽、透氣,非常適合夏季穿著。精緻的黑色搭配有質感的金色羈扣,直接提升了整體氣質。它的V領非常有助於修飾肩部線條,在視覺上拉長脖子的長度。這件衣服很適合和朋友出去約會穿,搭配一條心儀的簡約項鍊,搭配一雙靴子或者高跟鞋,背上黑色或者白色的包包,你就會成為時尚的都市女孩。
這款 GOELIA 風衣採用珍貴的精紡羊毛製成,柔軟溫暖。同時它的卡其色是秋天的經典色,是非常適合秋天的單品。它的翻領設計高端大氣,穿起來有種老錢的感覺。經典的切爾西版型搭配可調式腰帶,完美修飾身材。這款風衣的百搭性很強,無論搭配褲子、牛仔褲甚至連身裙,都能展現出輕鬆隨興的感覺。
Light Camel
Dusty olive
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n "
Light Camel
Dusty olive
- + 1
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n "
Light Camel
Dusty olive
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n "
Light Camel
Dusty olive
- + 1
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n "
Light Camel
Dusty olive
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n "
Light Camel
Dusty olive
- + 1
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n "
Light Camel
Dusty olive
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n "
Light Camel
Dusty olive
- + 1
"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n \n Light Camel\n \n \n Dusty olive\n \n \n Black\n \n "
GOELIA 的兩件套包括一件開襟衫和一條裙子。它由舒適且優質的針織面料製成,非常親膚且透氣。上衣開襟衫有黑白兩色,白色部分採用提花設計,精緻又耐穿。無論通勤或外出約會,搭配高跟鞋還是平底鞋,都散發出復古精緻的魅力,捕捉永恆風格的精髓。
與 GOELIA 一起穿出自信、輕鬆的老款風格。