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What Is Embroidery?

by LiWenshan 02 Nov 2023

There are many types of needlework, but now embroidery is gaining popularity. As centuries ago did our great-grandmothers, modern girls find solace and outlet in this difficult but fascinating occupation. Embroidery is one of the most popular hobbies, widespread in all countries. It is used to create decorative panels and decorate dress and interior items. The techniques of this needlework are numerous, but some types of embroidery are especially popular, helping to create especially attractive products. Some masters have a favorite technique and they do not see the point of mastering new ones. Others, on the contrary, strive to learn how to embroider with different techniques.

To create a work of art (and embroidery otherwise and can not be called), you must first think of a plot and love it! Then, when the craftswoman already represents in detail her work, she carefully selects colors and distributes them in the composition, and only when all the puzzles of the fictional image are put together, you can start work. Since ancient times, skillful craftsmen decorated clothing and household items with embroidery. Even during archaeological excavations of ancient burial mounds, well-preserved remnants of clothing, and skillfully embroidered wool and silk threads were found. The question of exactly which country it first appeared, in still causes controversy among archaeologists. According to some, the first embroidered patterns appeared in ancient Asia, according to others - in ancient Greece.

What Is Embroidery Definition?

Embroidery is a widespread handicraft art of decorating various patterns of all kinds of fabrics and materials, from the coarsest and dense, such as cloth, canvas, and leather, to the finest fabrics - batiste, gas, tulle, and so on. For embroidery, you will need needles, thread, hoops, and scissors. Embroidery - a widespread type of arts and crafts, in which the pattern and image are made by hand (needle, sometimes hook) or by embroidery machine on various fabrics, leather, felt, and other materials linen, cotton, wool, silk (more often colored) threads, as well as hair, beads, pearls, precious stones, sequins, glass beads, coins, etc.

History of Embroidery

Let's talk about a very popular kind of needlework – embroidery. It appeared in the times of primitive people. Primitive women used everything that was at hand and that could replace the needle and thread. Needles were made of wood or fish bones, and the thread served as plant fibers, animal veins, wool and even hair. At first, they sewed skins of wild animals, which they used as clothes, and gradually began to decorate them with different embroidered patterns. This is how this handicraft began to develop.

Archaeologists have found evidence that embroidery was developed throughout the world. Found clothes decorated with embroidery in ancient China, Egypt, India, and Greece. In ancient Russia, all women embroidered well. Already from the age of seven, the girls prepared a dowry, embroidery towels, tablecloths and beautiful clothes, the quality of which before the wedding judged on the diligence of the bride. Embroidery was also used to decorate icons, tablecloths, towels, hats, shoes and horse harnesses.

Slavic craftswomen wrote out the needle marvelous patterns in pagan times. Mastery of embroidery in the ancient Slavs owned by women in the family. Embroidery was associated with many customs and rituals, had a magical meaning and served as a kind of protection. Protecting from the evil eye, diseases and various troubles, it was present on both men's and women's clothing of our ancestors. In ancient times, each nation or tribe had its peculiarities in embroidery, actually as in other crafts. Ties between tribes grew, intertwined culture and life, enriched and became more diverse and embroidery. Gradually appeared ornaments with characteristic national features. Ancient embroidery - symbolic. The circle and rosette depicted the sun – a symbol of life, the female figure and blossoming tree symbolized fertility, and the bird personified spring. Patterns decorated the ends of the sleeves and braids, the cut on the chest and the hem of the garment.

In medieval Europe, it became fashionable for noble ladies to sit and embroider at the hoop, creating elegant patterns. Embroidery was considered the most dignified activity for ladies of high society. The development of cross-stitch embroidery was also associated with superstition: to protect their husbands during the Crusades, such embroidery served as an amulet.

Embroidery and now popular and modern. Recently, in the trend of fashionable clothing, a return to folklore and ethnic motifs. Embroidery gives modern clothes a unique style and value. Many modern needlewomen are fond of embroidery, especially since now drawing patterns on the fabric helps sewing machines, such as the Bernina embroidery machine. Simplicity and ease of use of programs in such embroidery machines, a variety of types of embroidery and a huge range of products on which can be applied patterns, attract an increasing number of modern craftswomen.

Types of Hand Embroidery

Cross embroidery
The most popular type of embroidery is cross stitch. Crosses are formed by two diagonal crossed stitches. To make the embroidery look neat, the direction of the stitches should be the same. This type of embroidery has its roots in the era of primitive culture when people began to decorate their clothes from skins. Cross embroidery is a method of embroidering a pattern on the canvas with the help of a needle and colored threads. The counted cross is done with cotton mouline, wool or silk. As a basis for embroidery, we use canvas or fabric of uniform weave. The main purpose of this kind of needlework is the creation of decorative paintings and panels, embroidery sofa cushions, decoration of clothing, bed linen and tablecloths. In addition to the cross, other types of stitches are used: half-cross, petit (part of the cross) or backstitch (outline). It is used to decorate various items and create embroidered pictures.

Smooth embroidery
This type of embroidery is also one of the oldest. But unlike cross embroidery, which is based on schemes, smooth embroidery gives unlimited freedom of action. In smooth embroidery stitches are applied to the canvas closely to each other, leaving no gaps. This technique often combines different stitches and techniques, and the result is the so-called artistic smooth.

Silk embroidery
This type of embroidery is one of the types of ironing that came to us from China. For the basis, silk fabric and embroidered with silk threads, which have increased strength, luster and very bright colors. Silk embroidered pictures combine traditional embroidery and painting, and decades retain their pristine appearance.

Chenille embroidery
Cinel, which means "caterpillar" in French, is a velvet silk cord. This type of embroidery was used to decorate clothing and upholstery fabrics back in the 18th century.

Gold embroidery
Kanitel is a thin metal wire, gold or silver color. Most often, such embroidery is used in the creation of church vestments, icons, and women's clothing. Gold embroidery is considered the most intensive labor because of the strong twisting ability of threads.

Richelieu embroidery
This is the most famous type of embroidery. The main parts of the pattern are embroidered with smooth, and the gaps are removed, forming a pattern similar to lace. If the gaps are too large, special thread bridges are laid - brides. This technique appeared in Italy and then moved to France, where Cardinal Richelieu, for whom it received its name, was very much loved. With the help of this type of embroidery, tablecloths, napkins and various elements of clothing.

This embroidery is a kind of overlay sewing, when the main fabric is sewn on different pieces, according to the chosen pattern. Appliques can be flat and convex, monochromatic or multicolored.

Diamond embroidery
Diamond embroidery actually has little in common with the classic types of embroidery thread. The whole process consists of laying out the pattern with acrylic rhinestones on a special canvas. Embroidery This technique is called because the same schemes are used to lay out the pictures as for cross embroidery. It is not clear what the connection is. Such a scheme is applied to the canvas and covered with an adhesive layer. Each set is accompanied by sets of rhinestones of the necessary colors.

Assisi, or Assisi embroidery – a type of ancient Italian needlework. The peculiarity of this paradoxical type of embroidery is that embroidered here is not the ornament or pattern of the pattern, and vice versa background. Stitches fill the background, and the main pattern is a blank canvas. As time went by, this technique of embroidery passed as secular needlework.

Embroidery beads - quite an ancient kind of needlework. In the distant past, beads were a very expensive material, not like precious stones, but still. Now the availability and relative cheapness of the material, combined with spectacular results, have provided such embroidery great popularity around the world. In any review of embroidery types with photos and names, samples are necessarily embroidered with beads. And in any fashion show, there are always clothes with skillful beadwork. So embroidery clothes, shoes, bags, purses, curtains, paintings and interior items. The technique uses four main types of stitches – monastic, stem, stitching and arch.

What to Do with Embroidery

It is possible to design embroideries into applied products that can be used in everyday life.

1. Embroidery on clothing (on jeans, dresses, etc.). Embroidery on the pockets, collar or back of a jean jacket is popular now.

2. Embroidered belt/sash.

3. Embroidered padded shoulder pads for clothing.

4. Embroidered shoes/boots.

5. Embroidered costume jewelry (pendant, bracelet, earrings with embroidery).

6. Church-applied embroidery (icons, liturgical covers and tomb covers, clothing of the clergy)- specific, but they are used.

7. Embroidered buttons.

8. Hairpin with embroidery.

9. Embroidered backpack.

10. Brooch.

11. Cosmetics.

12. Bag/shopper/reticule.
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