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How to Wash Denim?

by XiaoBo 15 Aug 2024

Almost every person has jeans . However, not everyone knows that they can not be washed at high temperatures or use ordinary powder. Therefore, sometimes they sit down, shed, or change shade. In the article, we will tell you how to properly wash jeans in the washing machine so that they do not lose their shape and color.

The less often you wash your jeans, the longer they will last. Friction in the drum makes the fabric less wear-resistant, over time there are scuffs on the pants, and the color fades. But you can't forget about hygiene: if you wear your jeans every day, wash them once a week. It is better to remove stains locally with a sponge and soap solution.
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How to wash and dry jeans?

* Examine the label on the jeans. Not often, but some jeans are not recommended for washing. Then you'll have to dry clean.

* Just in case, do not wash jeans, especially jeans with a rich or dark color, together with things that can be dyed. New jeans should be washed separately the first time to see how much they stain the water, and for a test, put a scrap of white cotton fabric with them.

* Turn the jeans inside out before washing and close the zipper and button.

* Leather inserts and labels can be rubbed with glycerin for better preservation.

* As a rule of thumb, wash jeans at medium temperature, a maximum of 40 degrees. If you are worried about the preservation of denim, use the delicate washing mode or wash your jeans by hand in a bathtub partially filled with water. Indeed, too frequent and intensive washing can lead to changes in the properties of denim: it will become thinner, softer, in worse shape, and most likely to lose color.

* Hand-wash decorated jeans (with applications, embroidery, decorated with beads, beads, and so on). If you decide to machine wash such jeans, use a wash bag.

* Use a detergent for colored fabrics, ideally a liquid (gel) detergent. You can also find special products for washing denim, there are different products for jeans of different colors. If desired, use a conditioner. If you need the denim to soften a little, a couple of spoons of conditioner can also be added to the detergent compartment.

* Machine spin at the lowest speed possible. If you wash your jeans by hand, it is better to wring them without twisting them too much (especially if the jeans have decorations). You may not wring the jeans at all, but hang them over the bathtub to let the water drain out and then move them to the dryer.

* It is better not to dry jeans in the dryer. The idea is to dry them outdoors or in a well-ventilated room without direct sunlight.

Can you iron your jeans?

There is no clear answer to this question. If the jeans are objectively wrinkled and, in your opinion, require ironing - well, then it is worth it. Manufacturers do not recommend ironing jeans too often: they can become creased.

* Check the label on your jeans: they may not be ironed, or they may be ironed at the lowest temperature possible. This is often the case with stretch denim pants: high temperatures change the properties of the elastic fibers.

* It is better to iron slightly damp jeans - they can be left out to dry or you can use a water sprayer.

* Iron jeans, especially dark jeans, inside out.

* As a rule of thumb, the optimal temperature for ironing jeans is about 150-200 degrees.

* You can also use a steamer.

* After ironing, do not put on jeans immediately, let them cool down: hot fabric can “remember” all the creases and quickly wrinkle again.
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How to store your jeans?

* Do not store soiled or wet jeans - clean or wash and dry them before putting them in the closet.

* Loosen the jeans from the belt and remove everything from the pockets.

* It is best not to store jeans folded too tightly, as they will develop creases and creases and may need to be ironed.

* You can store jeans on a hanger in different ways: by throwing the pant legs over the bottom bar; on a pant hanger with tabs, as you would store pants; or by hanging them by the side pleats on the hooks of the hanger.

* When storing on a shelf in a closet, jeans can be stacked or rolled up.

Wrong ways to wash jeans

1.Wash in hot water

To understand how to wash jeans, it is necessary to remember what denim fabric is. The main raw material that is used in the process of its production is natural cotton. It is dyed and processed, after which a special twill weave is used: so you get a strong denim fabric with a clearly recognizable relief in a diagonal welt.

Natural material shrinks when washed in hot water. The higher the percentage of cotton in the composition, the more likely it is the jeans that will resize after hot washing. Washing in moderately hot water may end up with a slight shrinkage, while the temperature of 80-90 ° C will lead to an instant change of several sizes. Knowing this peculiarity of denim, many people use this method of washing intentionally: it is a convenient and easy way to resize if the new jeans are too big or the old jeans are stretched out.

2.Washing jeans with towels

The cotton in the base of denim also affects what you should wash this material with. Choosing what to load in the drum of the washing machine together with jeans, gives preference to products made of cotton - for example, T-shirts, shorts and sports pants.

Also, things should be approximately in the same color scheme and close in structure. That's why you should not wash jeans, for example, with terry towels, even if their composition is specified cotton: things have different care requirements, and they can damage each other when washing.

For example, jeans should be washed in non-hot water, while towels, on the contrary, should be washed at high temperatures and in intensive washing mode. In addition, zippers and buttons, even on jeans turned inside out, can get caught on the fibers of the towel when rotating in the drum, which will not benefit either the first or the second thing.

3.Not getting your jeans out of the washing machine on time

What happens if you don't get your clothes out of the washing machine on time? Stagnant moisture promotes the development of bacteria and the appearance of unpleasant damp odors and even stains. In addition, prolonged exposure to moisture can cause fabric warping.

According to the Whirlpool Institute of Fabric Science, clothes, including jeans, can be kept in the washing machine for 8-12 hours, after which mold will surely begin to form on them. In other words, it is absolutely safe to start washing before going to bed and unload the washing machine in the morning: overnight jeans will not spoil. However, it is worth bearing in mind that such a habit can significantly reduce the service life not only of clothes but also of appliances: if you leave wet things in the drum for a long time, bacteria and mold appear on it. This leads to the fact that the machine will start to work worse, which means that it will wash your favorite jeans worse.

4.Wash every time you wear them

Those who are used to washing clothes after every wear will have to change their habits a bit. Even with all the requirements in washing and drying, the thing will quickly fade, and the fabric will become thinner. Denim cloth was originally invented as the most wear-resistant, remaining so today. Jeans can be worn very many times before sending them to the wash.

There are even ardent adherents of this idea: for example, in 2014, Chip Berg amazed many people by saying that he hadn't washed his jeans in ten years, even though he wears them all the time.

How often should you wash jeans?

There are many debates on this issue: some are ready to wash jeans after every wear, and others assure that they wash jeans no more than a couple of times a year. By the way, to the supporters of the most rare washing of jeans is Chip Berg. Berg assures that he does not wash his favorite jeans for years, as due to washing they lose their original appearance and wear out faster.

The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle: jeans should be washed when they obviously need washing. That is: they have noticeable dirt or stains that are not removed by other means. To name the exact time frame or number of wears after which you should wash your pants, we would not. Due to their versatility, jeans can be in a variety of situations, and the degree of neatness in all of us is different.
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