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How to Get Mildew Stains out of Clothes?

by Shunzhi Nie 23 Sep 2024

Mildewcan easily appear on a damp towel that has been in a basket for a long time, on unseasonal clothing that has been in a closet for a long time, or simply on damp items that have been stored in a dark place. The reason for the appearance of mildew on the fabric is not always clear - it seems that everything is washed, and put away in a clean closet, and after a while, you are surprised to find black spots. From things comes an unpleasant odor, and areas covered with white spots are formed.

The smell of dampness or mildew stains on clothes is not an uncommon phenomenon. Especially if poorly dried things after washing, and then put them in the closet. Or you haven't taken clean clothes out of the machine for a long time, and they've had time to acquire a musty odor.

The good news is that it's fixable. The problem of mildew must be solved very quickly, otherwise, the destruction of the material will continue, and the clothes will be impossible to save. How to get mildew stains out of clothes? We tell you why it is difficult to get rid of stains on clothes and how to do it correctly at home. We give useful tips on cleaning different fabrics.

Understanding Mildew Stains

Very often fabric falls victim to mildew, a fungus that destroys its fibers. Mildew is an accumulation of fungal and yeast microorganisms that consist of spores suspended in the air. Mildew can be any color, from black to white. Its centers of disease emit an unpleasant odor, change the appearance of the product, destroy the material and even negatively affect human health. And also - has the property to grow at an incredible rate, you can lose a significant part of your closet. Therefore, at the first signs of appearance should immediately engage in destruction.

Mildew likes humidity, lack of ventilation, and warmth, so this fungus often occurs with improper use of fabric, which led to the fact that it was wet and in a warm space. For example, you put things away in a closet without fully drying them, or you store them in a bathroom with high humidity levels. Just because there are no leaks in your home doesn't mean that fungus will never appear there. Things that are poorly dried and folded in the closet, lying in a basket of damp laundry can get black dots very quickly because they will be provided with the “favorite” fungus environment: darkness, dampness, and lack of airflow.

The problem is that mildew colony only becomes visible when it has already grown very large. During this time it manages to literally penetrate the structure of the fibers, so it is difficult to remove moldy traces. The longer the fungus is on the textile, the less chance of getting rid of it without a trace. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to remove the pollution as soon as the stains are noticed. In addition, the presence of mildew in the house is not only unpleasant but also dangerous. Each colony becomes a source of spores that quickly spread throughout the rooms. Under favorable conditions, mildew will spread throughout the house.
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How to Remove Mildew Stains?

Often you have to get rid of your favorite things, as it is not always possible to wash mildew from clothes. But do not hurry to dispose of your closet items. Mildew stains on clothes can be removed, and it is not as hard as it seems! Deciding to get rid of mold at home, the first thing you should do is to determine the cause of its appearance. Take all the things out of the closet, air them out, go through them, then push back, inspect, and wipe the furniture. Having identified what the problem is and eliminated it, move on to rescuing the already infected things.

At home, anyone can remove mold. Even those means that are in the kitchen will suffice. Begin to act immediately after the detection of fungus on clothes. If one option did not help to take out the mold completely, then you can immediately apply another without harm to the fabric. Below are traditional ways to clean mold from clothes at home, without having to go to the laundromat. Let's take a look together!

Soap solution
Household soap is in every home, and this inexpensive detergent wonderfully removes traces of mildew from colored, black, and white clothes. Removing stains begins with the preparation of the solution. Soap is crushed with a grater, to remove contaminants from one or two small things is enough half a bar. Cleaning white products requires an increase in dosage to 2/3 of the piece.

Salt and ammonia
The product can be used for most fabrics, including cotton and linen. Dial a liter of water into a pot and put it on the stove. Next, add 2-3 tbsp. Of table salt and a couple of drops of ammonia to the liquid. Stir the solution until it becomes homogeneous. Bring to a boil and simmer for another 30 minutes. Turn off the flame and dip the moldy area into the liquid. Keep it in the solution for 10-15 minutes, then pull it out and gently rub it. If the fabric is dense and rough, you can rub the mold with a brush. Once the stain is gone, rinse the item and dry it.

Salt and lemon
Some synthetic fabrics are contraindicated to high temperatures, so it is undesirable to lower them into hot water. In this case, use salt together with lemon juice. Treat the areas with mildew with citrus, and sprinkle salt on top. Wait for the mixture to dry, and then hang the clothes outside or on the balcony. After a few hours of airing, wash the stain and send it out to dry again.

How to get rid of mildew stains on clothes with the help of baking soda? This method works great on terry, linen, and bamboo textiles. The product can be used dry and wet. In the first case, sprinkle the moldy areas with baking soda and wash after a couple of hours. The second option is more effective. Take a plate and pour a little baking soda into it. Add water and stir to a liquid mushy consistency. Treat the stains with the solution and soak the remedy for about an hour. After that, wash the thing and dry it.

Suitable and potato and corn products. It is optimal to use it for dark and colored things because light-colored things can remain streaks. Sprinkle the stains with powder and leave it for an hour. Next, take a gauze or cotton cloth, fold in quadruple, and cover the area with starch. Iron the place with a hot iron. Then wash the clothes with powder and send them to dry. You can also use chalk instead of starch.

Grounded coffee
An effective option for clothes made of dark fabrics. Brew coffee, the drink can be drunk, but the gush is applied to the stain with mold. Wait until the remedy dries completely. Scrub the residue with a brush, wash the mildew spot, and dry it.

Onion and lemon
Onion juice is an excellent remedy for mildew stains on clothes, which will help to clean stains and remove odor. Particularly successful they remove fresh accumulations of fungus. To remove traces of dampness from light-colored clothes, use onions and lemon. Chop an onion to a mushy state and mix with the juice of two citrus fruits. Apply the resulting mixture to the stains. Cover the remedy with food film and leave it for 30-40 minutes. After that, wash the clothes, but with a higher than usual dosage of powder and bleach.

How to remove mildew stains from wool and silk?
Wool and silk are delicate fabrics. Accordingly, the methods of struggle should also be gentle, so that the process of destroying the fungus inadvertently does not damage the material itself. We could use these two methods:

A shampoo for wool
Shampoo for wool. It is designed for cleaning and caring for woolen products and does not contain aggressive components. Shampoo should be diluted in warm water to 30 degrees and soak the thing for half an hour. Press and wash in a washing machine.

Glycerin. This is a mild means that gently washes wool, without adversely affecting the structure and color. Glycerin is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and treat the stains with a moistened cotton disk. Wait 10 minutes and then wash as usual.

Mildew stains on silk fabric - a particularly sad sight, since this fabric is expensive, besides capricious. Take out the mustiness of it with the help of ammonia, diluted with water 1:10. Do not keep the solution long, 10 minutes is enough. After treatment will require hand washing in cold water with the addition of ordinary washing powder.

Soap solution, which we previously washed leather, will also be suitable for washing silk. Due to the lack of chemical additives and neutral pH, it is quite safe to remove mustiness. After soaking it will be necessary to wash with the addition of 1 tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water.

Another remedy for combating mildew stains - is simple white finely ground chalk. Before taking out mildew stains from clothes, you need to sprinkle the spot, cover it with a cotton cloth, and iron it with a hot iron. And further - just shake off and iron the thing.
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Additional Tips for Preventing Mildew

There are several ways to prevent mildew stains from reappearing on clothing and other textiles. First, you need to remove the source of moisture, as mold usually forms on damp surfaces. Check for leaks or ventilation problems in the room where the clothes are stored.

In addition, it is important to ventilate the room regularly and avoid moisture buildup in the closet or on the floor. Try to dry your clothes outdoors and avoid storing them in damp places.

You can also use special anti-mildew products that are sold in stores. They will help prevent the development of fungi and mold colonies on fabrics. However, before using such remedies, you should carefully read the instructions and follow their recommendations.

Another way to prevent mildew stains on clothes is not to do soaking. Soaking in water can promote the development of fungi, so it is better to avoid this procedure. If you need to clean stains, you can use topical mold removers.
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